Monday, March 27, 2017

Paragraph 3 & 4


The industrial and agricultural policy has affected many people and areas in many different ways. For example fossil fuels such as coal, gas etc., are being used at unreasonable rates. Fossil fuels aren’t renewable which means they take more than a life time to reproduce. The most common nonrenewable resources used are coal and gas for travel which is why new transportation fuels are being produced because we are running out due to the extreme usage of the resources.
Image result for fossil fuels

Image result for ozone layer
Ozone Layer
The use of the materials also contribute to the pollution of the water and air. The waste from the production is dumped into the ocean which kills our fish and pollutes our waters making it not safe and unusable. Air pollution contributes to the health of humans and the ozone layer. It affects our health because unhealthy chemicals are being put into the air and mixed with the oxygen we breathe. Some chemicals that are put in the air are deadly as well which means we are killing our own people with the chemicals we release.
The chemicals also weaken our ozone layer which protects us from UV radiation. Weakening the ozone layer to just the right amount might kill our planet and lives due to our selfish and harsh decisions.

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